The Green Arrow Direct Lending fund arises from new credit market conditions in Italy and in particular from the requirements of mid-market companies of financing their growth. Current credit regulations, combined with high credit market volatility, create a structural supply and demand imbalance for medium term financing.
The Fund seeks investments having an Enterprise Value comprised between € 50-500 Mln – arranged by the Fund itself (Primary transactions) or by leading arrangers in the relevant leveraged finance markets (Secondary transactions).
The Fund predominantly invests in Senior Secured loans and Unitranche; Bonds and Subordinated debt will also be considered on an a case by case basis.
Target current return: 5%. The Fund is not leveraged.

Andrea Beltratti
Full Professor of the Finance Department at Bocconi University, he conducts research on stock markets, banking industry, Risk Management and Corporate Governance. His research has been published in the major journals such as the Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Monetary Economics and Oxford Economic Papers.

Giuliano Mari
Over 40 years of Direct Lending experience. Graduated in Chemical Engineering from the “La Sapienza” University of Rome (110/110). Registered in the Register of Official Auditors for over 10 years.

Massimo Mattera
Over 40 years of Direct Lending experience. He held the position of Head of Credit Department of IMI.